Time to fill out the form with your preferences!!
Thank You!
I will confirm receipt of your order within two days.
If you don't receive confirmation, please contact me at [email protected].
Keep a copy of your order in case it needs to be re-submitted.
I will confirm payment method, send online invoice,
and confirm drop off or mailing of your order via email.
If you don't receive confirmation, please contact me at [email protected].
Keep a copy of your order in case it needs to be re-submitted.
I will confirm payment method, send online invoice,
and confirm drop off or mailing of your order via email.
Little Miss Tarissa competed in her first major pageant this past November, 2010. She entered the photo on the right (in the lavender), and it won! She's Little Miss Print Model 2011 (among 5 other titles she won, including the biggest title in the pageant!!!!!). She posed with her sash, trophy, and crown for me,
so we could show off the award she and my photo received!!
Tarissa is looking for local events to volunteer in - if you know of any charity events, please shoot me an email, and I'll let her know!!
so we could show off the award she and my photo received!!
Tarissa is looking for local events to volunteer in - if you know of any charity events, please shoot me an email, and I'll let her know!!
Portrait Parties

Host a portrait party for your chance to have
your session FREE!
(Great for extended family,
Senior Photos, & holidays!)
Here's how it works:
You invite your friends, family, and coworkers to complete sessions with me at your home.
You make the schedule - here's an example:
Our family - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Smiths - 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Johnsons - 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Jones' - 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
I'll come to your house 15 minutes early to set up.
Your friends and family can come at their scheduled time, or come early to visit - your choice!
What's in it for you?
You get 15% off of your session for EACH additional session
you schedule at your Portrait Party!!
So, in the example above,
you would get 45% off your session fee!
Schedule 6 sessions, and your session is FREE!
AND, your friends get 2 Free prints 8x10 or smaller!
Can't decide who in your family will host the party?
Split the benefits among the family.
In the above example, you could each get 10% off,
and an extra 5% off to the host!
Fine Print
Your sessions need to be scheduled together (no more than 15 minutes between sessions at MOST), preferably in a morning, afternoon, or evening "block," to maximize my availability.
For example, 9-1, 2-6, 5-8, etc.
A block from 12-4 makes it hard to schedule a block before and after.
Should you schedule more than 6 families, the additional percentages will be taken off of your print order or a future session. The portrait party host may not use any additional offers (coupons) on his/her session.
Cancellations will GREATLY impact my business.
While I don't want to "punish" anyone for life's events,
I strongly encourage you to only schedule a Portrait Party if you can commit to hosting it.
I greatly appreciate your commitment! :)
Schedule now to lock in your first choice of dates and times!!!! Let's Party!!!
your session FREE!
(Great for extended family,
Senior Photos, & holidays!)
Here's how it works:
You invite your friends, family, and coworkers to complete sessions with me at your home.
You make the schedule - here's an example:
Our family - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Smiths - 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Johnsons - 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Jones' - 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
I'll come to your house 15 minutes early to set up.
Your friends and family can come at their scheduled time, or come early to visit - your choice!
What's in it for you?
You get 15% off of your session for EACH additional session
you schedule at your Portrait Party!!
So, in the example above,
you would get 45% off your session fee!
Schedule 6 sessions, and your session is FREE!
AND, your friends get 2 Free prints 8x10 or smaller!
Can't decide who in your family will host the party?
Split the benefits among the family.
In the above example, you could each get 10% off,
and an extra 5% off to the host!
Fine Print
Your sessions need to be scheduled together (no more than 15 minutes between sessions at MOST), preferably in a morning, afternoon, or evening "block," to maximize my availability.
For example, 9-1, 2-6, 5-8, etc.
A block from 12-4 makes it hard to schedule a block before and after.
Should you schedule more than 6 families, the additional percentages will be taken off of your print order or a future session. The portrait party host may not use any additional offers (coupons) on his/her session.
Cancellations will GREATLY impact my business.
While I don't want to "punish" anyone for life's events,
I strongly encourage you to only schedule a Portrait Party if you can commit to hosting it.
I greatly appreciate your commitment! :)
Schedule now to lock in your first choice of dates and times!!!! Let's Party!!!
Who can apply for a photography session to be gifted?
Anyone can apply that is part of the military and/or dealing with a deployment/homecoming. Anyone that knows someone or yourself or has a family member that is dealing with a terminal prognosis or a life limiting diagnosis, genetic condition – the sky is the limit and we encourage EVERYONE of all ages to apply. You may also nominate someone! :)
Anyone can apply that is part of the military and/or dealing with a deployment/homecoming. Anyone that knows someone or yourself or has a family member that is dealing with a terminal prognosis or a life limiting diagnosis, genetic condition – the sky is the limit and we encourage EVERYONE of all ages to apply. You may also nominate someone! :)
Volunteer Photographer & Mentor/Education Program Coordinator - The Maple Leaf Mission
Good for younger children with
shorter attention spans,
1-2 backgrounds,
individual OR group photos.
75-100 images taken
25-30 poses on disc
shorter attention spans,
1-2 backgrounds,
individual OR group photos.
75-100 images taken
25-30 poses on disc
30 Minute Photo Sessions
$65 per session
Green Screen Background Options!
With the green screen, you can choose from hundreds of backgrounds! Three poses are included for free in every session, if you choose to use it. There is a charge of $10 for each additional set of 3 poses on the green screen, due to the extra editing time required. Below are just a few samples. We can choose backgrounds when we fill out your preference sheet! I have many personal images, but I also have a subscription to this site: http://www.ezbackgrounds.com

Homestead Park
4675 Cosgray Road * Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Take 270 to the Cemetery Road exit.
Head west on Cemetery and continue as it turns into Scioto Darby Rd.
Turn Right on Cosgray Rd.
The park is on the left just past the YMCA.
**Park in the very first parking lot on your left as you enter the park! I'll either be just in front of the park at the little orchard, or inside the "train station"**
4675 Cosgray Road * Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Take 270 to the Cemetery Road exit.
Head west on Cemetery and continue as it turns into Scioto Darby Rd.
Turn Right on Cosgray Rd.
The park is on the left just past the YMCA.
**Park in the very first parking lot on your left as you enter the park! I'll either be just in front of the park at the little orchard, or inside the "train station"**